Friday, July 21, 2006

More on our haunted house:
Unexplained bumps in the you might laugh but we have had a few..
We have two bedrooms, rumpus room, lounge room, kitchen, dining room, laundry and bathrrom downs tairs and three bedrooms and a toilet and bathroom upstairs. These are occupied by Stephanie, Nik and Mike and Alex in the big room, which is directly above our room and you hear every footstep due to very creaky floors. One day when my mum lived with us in the large room, i was in the downs stairs toilet , kids were at school and mum and Craig were in our room talking. When i came out of the downstairs toilet mum asked if i had gone upstairs. No not me i was busy in bathroom. Well mum and Craig looked a bit pale and swore they heard footsteps up in mums room? Craig is not the type to talk about this or look like he could beleive but he swore that he heard it too??
One night Craig and i were sitting on our bed just finishing getting Jack his bottle. Stephanie was in with us having a little chat, as usual, when we heard this god almighty thump in the room above us. Steph thought it was one of the boys and i was a tad angry as it sounded as if they were going to come through the ceiling. Sounded like a bowling ball had dropped from a bed? Steph ran out to yell upstairs at the boys and found them all sitting in the lounge playing on the X BOX. So who or what was upstairs?? I went up to check it out as we have a large hen house in our midst, full of chickens. Mind you the boys heard nothing but it was a loud bang. Steph and Craig followed me up into the boys room. No windows open, nothing that could have dropped and made the sound?? Nothing out of place??
Stephanie a few weeks ago had her boyfrind over, They were in her room watching DVDs. I had just put Jack to be in his room downstairs when Steph came running down the stairs asking who was in the boys room? I replied noone as Nik and Alex were in Sydney with their dad and Mike was at work. She asked if i had been in there slamming the sliding cupboard doors?. Not me as Craig and i were putting Jack to bed.. So up i go to be confronted by a very scared looking teenege boy who also heard the noises in the next room. I went in turned on the light, nothing moving. They swore that it was the cupboard doors baging shut???? None was there. what was the noise? I said it was probably our lttle ghost being bored as there were no kids in the
So they are only a few of the things that go bump in the night and day that are still unexplained.
Oh and there is more but ill save that for another day!!!!

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